Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Day @ the Lake (Tonle Sap, the largest freshwater lake in SE Asia)

There are several floating villages Tomle Sap.  The village we saw had a section for illegal Vietnamese and another section for Cambodians.  Prosperity is not the word that comes to mind.  Tourism & fish farming have helped supplement the fishermen's income.  There are floating tanks with drinking water provided by different countries including the US.  The whole scene changes dramatically during the monsoon season when water depths change by 25 feet and the lake is 7 times as big. 

Are you ready for this?

Scenery along the man-made channel

Housing that needs to be moved @ beginning & end of monsoon season because of flooding

Natural a/c

Floating school

Learning to navigate a boat & become an entrepreneur at an early age.  No need for life jackets in this world.

Croc hide is a little longer than Don.

There were many live crocs on the boat we boarded as well as farming of catfish.

One of about 60 villages on the lake

Rice paddy near the lake

Just for DT

Typical street scene in city of Siem Reap

1 comment:

  1. Honda's trying to lour DT to Cambodia, huh? Think he'll go for a transfer request?
